Write an e-mail to
To confirm your identity in the e-mail must be mentioned: name, surname, date of birth, study program (or department you are working at), course (or job title) and Student identity card number (or employee ID).
User passwords are formed out of first 4 letters of name and surname and birth date (don't use upper case letters and use only Latin letters):
Password - namesurnYYYY (first 4 letters of your name + first 4 letters of your surname + birth year);
For example, if Vardenis Pavardaitis is born at 10/23/1985, he will have UserID vardpava1023 and password vardpava1985.
If your name and/or surname consist of 3 or less letters, use only those 3 or less letters to form login data.
IMPORTANT: After reset password is valid for 12 hours. During that period change it at